I am an observational seismologist ...
who is interested in everything related to volcanoes, earthquakes and large scale geodynamic processes such as subduction, rifting and mountain building.
The last few years, my work has focused on understanding magmatic-tectonic interactions along the East African Rift System. Through the SEISVOL project, financed by the DFG (German Research Council), I was able to study the Natron basin and the plumbing system of Earth's only currently active carbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai.
I also am an expert in shear-wave splitting analyses which I use to constrain seismic anisotropy. During my PhD, I developed a new code - called SplitRacer - to analyse shear-wave splitting more efficiently.
I am now a junior professor for volcano seismology at the Gutenberg University Mainz.