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April 19, 2024

I presented our recent paper on Shallow sources of upper mantle seismic anisotropy in East Africa as well as tremor locations at Oldoinyo.


First paper on tremor caused by carbonatite eruptions

September 1st, 2023

The latest paper on Oldoinyo Lengai is out, this time focusing on seismo-acoustic tremor and space-based thermal data. You can fin it here!


New position at Gutenberg University of Mainz

August 1st, 2023

I have just started a new position as Junior Professor for Volcano Seismology at the Gutenberg University of Mainz!



February 26th, 2023

I recently went to IAVCEI in New Zealand where I had an invited talk on my research on magmatic-tectonic interactions in the Natron Rift. I also presented some cool new results on tremor at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, the first observed tremor caused by carbonatite eruptions!


Attenuation tomography paper out

August 9th, 2022

We just published a study on the plumbing system of the Natron Rift using scattering and attenuation tomography. Have a look here!


EGU 2022

May 27, 2022

I just returned from EGU Assembly 2022 which took place in-person for the first time since 2019. I had an invited talk on tge seismicity results from the SEISVOL project we published last year (abstract, paper) as well a new study using the same data for a fine-scale 3D attenuation tomography (abstract; currently under review at GRL).


New shear-wave splitting code

November 23rd, 2021

We recently published an extension to the SplitRacer code which is now fully automated. Check it out here!


New paper published

February 25th, 2021

My collaborators and I just published our first paper using the SEISVOL data set. It's called "The Impact of Complex Volcanic Plumbing on the Nature of Seismicity in the Developing Magmatic Natron Rift, Tanzania" and you can check it out here.


Paper published and submitted

October 10th, 2020

I was recently part of a study on deep carbon in the East African Rift published in Nature. Congratulation to James for putting this so amazingly together.

Also, I just submitted my first paper on the SEISVOL data in FrontiersIn Earth Science.


TeMaS website now online

June 8th, 2020

Since summer last year, I am part of the TeMaS - Terrestrial Magmatic Systems - initiative. TeMaS is a collaborative effort of the Universities of Mainz, Frankfurt and Heidelberg that coordinates interdisciplinary research on magmatic processes in the broadest sense, from the generation of magma in the Earth’s mantle through its eruption in volcanoes and how that impacts the atmosphere and climate. Please check out our website here.


EGU 2020

May 8th, 2020

I just attended the virtual version of EGU 2020. Please check out my results of the first 10 months of data from the SEISVOL project here.


SEISVOL station service

January 22nd, 2020

The new year started with a trip to Tanzania to service the SEISVOL stations. Field conditions were tough given all the rain in the last couple of weeks, but we succeeded nevertheless. A special thanks to Frederik, Michael and Amani for all the help in the field.


AGU Fall meeting

December 14th, 2019

I just had a very productive week at the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco!


ESC workshop in Garachico, Tenerife

October 3rd, 2019

I presented my first results from the SEISVOL project at the
Annual Workshop 2019 of the IASPEI/IAVCEI Inter-Association Commission on “Volcano Seismology & Acoustics” co-sponsored by the European Seismological Commission – Working Group
"Seismic phenomena associated with volcanic activity".


SEISVOL station service

September 16, 2019

We just completed another station service in Tanzania, with thee help of Frederik and Amani, who, together with Georg and Ayoub climbed Oldoinyo Lengai. Judging from pictures of our first and last visit, the crater floor seems to be filling up with carbonatite lava.


SEISVOL station service

June 24th, 2019

We just collected the first SEISVOL data and climbed Oldoinyo Lengai in the process. Thanks to Frederik and Amani for all their hard work!



April 15, 2019

I had a great week at EGU presenting my latest work on anisotropy in the D". Many thanks to Maureen Long who hosted me at Yale University last year where this research was done.


SEISVOL stations deployed

5th March 2019

I just came back from the field where we installed the SEISVOL network. Many thanks to all the people that helped in the field, especially Frederik, Amani and Georg.

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